Information Central
LGBTQ+ Lobby Day at the Capitol.
March 24th, 2025 | 8am-4pm
This day of action in Bismarck and across the state virtually is hosted by the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition, Prairie Action, and the American Civil Liberties Union of North Dakota.
Register HERE!
Read on for more info…
This legislative session has again been filled with attacks on the rights of LGBTQ+ North Dakotans. On Monday, March 24, advocates from across the state will be at the North Dakota State Capitol providing LGBTQ+ and ally visibility to YOUR elected leaders. Here are a few things to know about the day:
Our three key goals for the day:
For participants to engage their elected leaders and the democratic process that is our elected legislature and become familiar with the legislative process.
Provide a day of viability for LGBTQ+ & Two Spirit citizens and allied to the North Dakota 69th Legislative Assembly.
Meet and network with others in ND who care about these issues..
This day is intended to be a day of civic engagement and not one of protest.
Attendees are encouraged to allow themselves to express themselves and be who they are in their dress and demeanor while also remembering that the Capitol and legislative session is a place of professional business.
Courteous interactions with lawmakers, staff, and other citizens advocating for their causes are highly encouraged.
When in committee hearings the floor sessions, participants are asked to remain quiet and observe the proceedings with respect. Honor posted signs about food, beverage, cameras, phones, etc.
When attending a committee hearing, you are not a participant in the meeting. Only the elected committee members speak and those invited to speak before the committee.
This is a flexible day. Outside of scheduled hearings, participants are encouraged to explore the Capitol, seek out their representatives, have conversations with friends (new and old) about the issues of the session, and just be present—you being there is a powerful witness to elected officials that ND is OUR home, too…and we are not going anywhere.
LODGING: Participants should make their own lodging accommodations in Bismarck. There is no preferred hotel or reserved block of rooms. However, a number of lobby day organizers are booked at the Radisson and the optional Sunday evening gathering will be at the Radisson’s Off Broadway Lounge.
TRAVEL: Participants are responsible for their own travel, however, contact lobby day organizers for information about those offering rides and carpools that may be in or passing through your region.
ARRIVAL AT THE CAPITOL: Parking at the Capitol is frequently challenging during session. Visitor parking is on the immediate southeast side of the building and along the drive on the parameter of the mall (one way loop around the long grassy area in front of the Capitol).
CAPITOL ENTRANCE/SECURITY: Public entrance to the Capitol is located on the south of the Capitol front, under the Capitol steps (east side of the steps only). Everyone entering the building is required to go through security (metal detector, bag xray,) ID’s are not required. This map of the Capitol’s ground floor is marked with a green star where security is located.
Registration LINK.
Please pre-register using this link! THANK YOU !
Schedule Sunday, March 23 (OPTIONAL for early arrivals)
8:00 pm Registration Check-In Opens | Radisson Hotel, 605 E Broadway, Bismarck - Room TBA
8:05 pm Informal Gathering and Social
9:00 pm Lobby Day Q&A - Informal conversation to answer questions so participants feel prepared.
Those wanting to testify will have the opportunity to go over their prepared remarks with a lobbyist.
9:45 pm Informal socializing is welcome during or after the Q&A
Schedule Monday, March 25
8:00 am Registration | Judicial Wing Atrium, ground floor pas the café.
8:10 am Welcome
9:00 am Committee Hearing on HB 1181 (Gender Definition)*
10:00 am Committee Hearing on HB 1144 (Trans student bathroom ban)*
12:00 pm Lunch @ Capitol Café
1:00 pm Floor Session - Participants observe either the House or Senate floor session
2:00 pm Committee Hearings, Capitol Tours, Visit Heritage Center, Issue Conversations
2:30 pm Committee Hearings on HB 1527 (Required Holocaust education)*
3:30 pm Closing Announcements | TBD
*All three committee hearings on the schedule are in front of the Senate Education Committee located in room 216 of the Judicial Wing of the ND State Capitol building (map linked).
Last Updated 3/21/2025, 5:00pm
Please watch this schedule for any changes or updates as some details are evolving and Legislative schedules can also change with little notice.
Contact for questions: Cody Schuler 701-404-7269
Call or text, but text preferred! ID yourself in your message.